I made my way north and west while listening to Conspiracy: Why the Rational Believe the Irrational by Michael Shermer. It was far better than the book I listened to on the trip down. The first part of the book is more academic and I did find my brain wandering a bit. The second part of the book was more conversational and fun to listen to. Although the section on how to talk to conspiracy theorists was just off. Just about everyone I've ever heard who holds nut-job conspiracy theories believe it as dogma, and it is not rational. Maybe just my personality, but I'll continue to nod my head and quietly judge (while enjoying the ride).
I missed not one, but two turns on my route. I have no idea how I missed the first one - just a total brain fart I guess. But Tennessee - why the snot do you have I-26 labeled as "Future I-26"?????? Maybe we are now in the future...
I was trying to figure out if the Cherokee Reservoir was low because of dam issues (Helene?) or if it was just a really dry year. But the lake was basically a mud pit. If I lived in the area, I'd wait for it to freeze in the coming weeks and go find all my lures I'd ever lost!
US25 through the mountains was tolerable, if a bit frustrating once I finally did get behind the conga line created by a single slow driver. I just used it as a reason to practice my patience. But overall, the US25 route was far preferrable over the West Virginia tolls.
As I got closer to home I started to see snow again.
Once at home, SO had left for family issues so I had the house to myself. The dogs were thrilled to see me. This also left taking care of the hog as a solo job. I didn't even bother unpacking the truck, but spent most of the rest of the day cutting and grinding and freezing. I had to remind myself that if I could get the entire pig taken care of, that would leave me two blessed days to recover. While part of me was a bit disappointed I could not shoot one of the hogs in the two wads of them - my freezer is thanking me.
As always, the pig hunt was a great way to start the year. I still have some things to mentally process about this year's hunt. I'll have time to do that in the coming days and weeks.