Thursday, April 25, 2013

2013 Theodore Goes to Theodore Day 1

I was originally going to call this The Fourth Theodore.
Every time I saw or thought about those words (The Fourth Theodore), my mind tangentially referenced Norman Mailer's "Fifth Estate."  The Fifth Estate was some sort of metaphysical collection of Norman Mailer to serve as a counter to the Federal Government's covert intelligence - mostly domestic.  From what I've read, it was mostly just speeches.  Norman Mailer's Fifth Estate serves as a reminder that the political niche right does not have a monopoly on crazy paranoia.  Politics in the United States is often looked on as a bell curve, with most in the center, and fringes on the left and right.  This is wrong, the political spectrum is more of a bell curve wrapped around a cylinder. The far left and far right almost touching, behind the scenes.  As Sarah Vowell wrote, "It is interesting how, once one edits justifications for violence down to a length suitable for T-shirt slogans, political distinctions between left and right disappear."
Enough digression, The first Theodore was in Saskatchewan in Canada, 2008.  The second Theodore was somewhere in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, 2010.  Theodore, Michigan has now been consumed by the town of Felch.  This is slated to be the third Theodore, in Alabama.  And, I am the fourth Theodore.
Since Norman Mailer is a nut-job...

This is to be a short trip, Theodore Goes to Theodore.

Much like 2012, I have several days of last year's vacation that needs to be used before the end of April.  Much like 2012, if I ever lose vacation, I'll know my life has made a turn I'm not prepared to make.  Unlike 2012, I wanted to do something more with at least part of my "carry-over" vacation.
The plan was originally to leave early Friday.  This can be a dicey time of year to travel.  Temperatures are starting to warm, but cold temperatures are still very possible and this is typically one of the wettest times of the year in the Eastern United States.  But, if travel is dictated by weather it won't happen.  Yesterday was particularly cold and wet, which prompted some pondering as I was walking the dog while wearing a winter coat and warm hat.

Since the dogs where scheduled to spend the night in beagle-jail Thursday, and I had all day to get ready, there was no reason not to plan on leaving on Thursday.  After waking up to a frigid morning with freezing fog and an unusual level of frost, most of the day was spent bouncing around the house, packing the motorcycle and doing small things that need to be done before leaving.  Anticipation can be a great part of travel, but it can also be painful.  Time moved very slow for the last couple hours.

Home to Shepherdsvillle, Kentucky.  167.8 Miles.
We were on the road by about 5:30 PM.  We took I-275 around Cincinnati since there is construction in the downtown area and rush hour traffic through Cincinnati isn't very much fun.  From there, we headed south and a little west to Louisville, then south on I-65 where we will spend most of the miles of this trip.  Just south of Louisville, we stopped in Shepherdsville at a Motel 6.  Hotel seemed nice enough and the price was right.  And, the bike was parked right outside the window.
Dinner was Long John Silver's (choices were few within walking distance) and some snacks from the gas station.

Getting a few hours down the road will make the rest of the trip to the gulf coast much easier and hopefully a few degrees warmer.

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