Thursday, June 11, 2015

Incarceration Tour Day 1

Incarceration tour?  Yep.  Heading to jail tomorrow and prison on Saturday.

June 11, 2015 127.9 Miles

The day started out normal enough.  Up early, watch part of The Office on TV while getting ready for work and making my lunch.  Head to work...
By early afternoon, I was at a point where I wasn't going to start anything new.  I wrapped up a few final things, sent off a couple emails (immediately shutting down after that), cleaned up the lab and headed out.
I got home and dropped the dogs off in beagle jail.
Back at home, I get the bike packed up and ready to go.  SO got home a short time later, we did final packing and getting ready and headed out on the Goldwing.  I got about a mile and a half away, and then realized I had forgotten my laptop.  I'm not sure how far I would have gotten and still turned around, but at a mile and a half it was a no brainer.  I would have been irritated (and likely whiny and annoying) if I wouldn't have had my laptop.

Back on the road ten minutes later, we went down to the interstate before staying on it all through Indiana.  Traffic was relatively light, but it was very hot.  It was tolerable when the sun was behind a cloud, but I was glad we were only going a couple hours.  The crazy Garmin wanted to get me off the interstate around Indianapolis, and I was going to follow it, but I missed the exit it was telling me to take.  I don't think this is the first time I did that - I don't understand why Garmin routes me off the interstate so much.
So, we stayed on I-74 straight to Brownsburg for the night.
Dinner was Steak-n-Shake and even though I got a birthday cake shake, I still got Zingers for the room.

Tomorrow ... I go to jail.

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