Monday, November 2, 2015

Short Trip to WI Day 3

Cambridge, WI to Home, total trip mileage:  906.3 miles

Between the time zone difference from home to central time, and the day light savings time change, I was somewhat oblivious to what the actual time was on Sunday morning.  Regardless, after an excellent breakfast of omelets, potatoes and toast, I was on the road headed home, anticipating being home well before dark.

The initial part of the trip was slightly traffic intense, more so than I would have expected on a Sunday morning.  I'm sure it was better than if it had been a Monday morning.

Once south of the main highways headed towards Chicago, traffic thinned considerably, and it thinned even more so as I made my way onto I-74.
Temperatures started out in the mid 50's, but with bright blue skies and intense sunshine, it felt much warmer.
The sun stayed shining all day and temperatures rose to around 70, with vents opened on my motorcycle coat and a switch to lighter weight gloves at a gas stop.

I thought about getting off of the interstate to take 2-lane roads, but figuring road timing in my head, I realized that it was actually tight to be able to get home before dark.  Knowing the last hour plus was on deer-infested roads, I wanted as much light as possible.  I stayed on the interstate as the fastest route.  With low traffic and perfect weather, it was still a great day on the bike.

After many miles with lots of time to think, I arrived at home.  It was still light out, but the shadows were getting very long as I neared home.  Despite one scare of heavy gravel very near home, I made it home safely.
This time of year can be a bit dicey to try to travel by motorcycle, especially north.  But even with the wet weather on Saturday, it was a wonderful trip, if a bit short.  This was especially a great trip as likely soon, winter weather may force the bike to remain parked for a while.

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