Friday, April 28, 2017

2017 South Carolina Day 3

Monroe, North Carolina to Hardeeville, South Carolina:  233.3 Miles

After some rather unusual hotel waffles - the normal better was runny so I made them with oatmeal and strawberry batter - we were out the door to another early, slightly foggy morning.
The goal was again to mostly avoid the interstates so after getting turned around in Monroe, we worked our way south.  There was more traffic than I assumed there would be, and the schools take dropping the kids off very seriously, with many cops directing traffic, etc.  Tuck and roll kids!

Once out of the school zones, we found some nice roads to take south.  Outside of the small towns, there was almost no traffic and ample passing zones making the morning zip by.

Once into the low country, the terrain turned very familiar with lots of Cyprus bogs and boggy swamps.  This was hog country!  I love it.

The Garmin GPS was getting quite irritated, until we finally got on the interstate south of Yemassee, South Carolina.  I-95 isn't my favorite, but it did move us quickly down to Uncle D and Aunt R's house.  We found their house easily enough in a new and gorgeous development.  Uncle D gave us the tour of their new house - very nice.

After lunch, we headed out to Savannah.  We parked near the ferry and took it over to Savannah.  This was a pretty neat way to get there and it runs continuously.  It is also probably a win for the city since it greatly decreases congestion.

The ferry also gave a nice way to see the skyline of Savannah.

Once docked, we spent some time touring Savannah.

The city was an odd mix of historic squares and newer businesses and chains.  Joe's Crab Shack next to monuments to the 1700's.  Still it was a neat city.  Lots of steep historic steps and well worn cobblestones.  The history that these roads have seen...

Savannah was a nice change for us.  We usually avoid the big cities with difficult parking, angry congestion and cost, so taking the ferry and spending some time seeing Savannah was a treat.

After a while we headed back to the ferry and back to the house.
After a nice dinner of grilled chicken, Uncle D and I headed out for some pre-fishing fishing.  The house is surrounded by any number of ponds that hold bass, bluegill, crappie, alligators and any other manner of critters.  We were just after the fish...
In the short amount of time we were out, we hooked into many fish.  For about a half an hour, we were in a school of aggressive crappie that were very good in size.  I even caught a fish I've never seen before - to me it looked like a bass/bluegill hybrid.

Yes, some of the big ones got away.

At dark we headed back to the house and talked about our various adventures for a while before turning in.  It was going to be an early morning for ocean fishing!

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