Thursday, February 15, 2018

Mom's House Day 1

I debated whether this was actually an adventure.  Compared to jumping on a motorcycle and riding across the country or going wild boar hunting, it is pretty tame.  But I do both of those things without really thinking and without much planning, while this trip has a little bit of angst associated with it.  So I guess in some ways, this is more of an adventure.
No.  It isn't.

There was always a chance I'd sleep in without an alarm set, but it was unlikely.  I was out of bed around the normal time for work.  Drinking coffee, I flipped to Escape TV and got very interested in a documentary about a serial killer.  Had I known it was going to be two hours I probably wouldn't have watched it.
I was out the door around 6:00 and on my way to the airport.  Passing a security shepherd on my way to the screening area, I breezed through.  "Everything stays in your bags and keep your shoes on, folks."
"Really??" the woman in front of me said.
"When you see the dogs, you know it is a good day," the security lady smiled back.

Feeling a little bit like a third world country, a bird landed next to me while I was waiting for the flight.  Where do these things live?  "But I'm an indoor bird!"

Mom had some health issues shortly before Christmas when she was at her Florida place.  Back home and in treatment, she asked me to help sell it.  No idea what I'm getting myself into, but a few vacation days and an airplane flight later, I'm in Florida.

The flight went without incident.  I noticed that there was no row 13 on the plane - presumably because it would be unlucky.  I was sitting in row 14 which is really row 13, and without a talisman.  Take-off was a bit late, but the plane was on the ground close to scheduled landing time.

I hustled down to the rental car area.  Being an Emerald member has its perks, I asked if I could get an SUV for the same price and got a brand spankin' new Hyundai Tuscon.  The new car smell in it wasn't too pleasant though.
Getting through Florida traffic was tolerable.  I kept thinking it had to lighten up at some point, but it never did.  I know there are outback parts of Florida, but my guess is one needs to get pretty far away from Disney to find them.

I was at my Mom's before 2:00.  I was also extremely overwhelmed before 2:00.  My Mom's place was very cluttered.  For all the admonishments I got for keeping a messy room...
So, I started sorting and cleaning.  One pile for donation.  One for garbage.  And a staging area in the center of the house for everything else.  My plan is to do the living room last.
It quickly became obvious that the garbage pile was going to overwhelm anyone's ability to take care of it.  I've always thought the placed like 1-800-got-junk are a symptom of over-consumption and the fact that these businesses exist is a little sad.  But I called and scheduled with them as late as I could.  Hopefully I can keep all the garbage in the utility room.  Hopefully.

It was a bit awkward going through my Mom's stuff.  I'm sure I threw out some treasures, but I've got minimal time to do this.  Donate what looks usable and in good shape, the rest ... 1-800-got-junk.

By the time it got dark, I was tired and sore.  This is not an adventure.

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