Sunday, January 13, 2019

2019 Hog Hunt Day 2 - The Hogs are in the Bahamas; The Snow is in Ohio

It was a very hoggy day, but apparently not hoggy enough.

I slept quite well all things considered and woke up to rain hitting the window.  I thought about trying to sleep some more, but my brain was saying, "coffee... coffee..."

After a shower I get my coffee and read for a little while before making some oatmeal for breakfast.  Instant oatmeal isn't my favorite, but it will work.

Rick and I texted back and forth about going out with the rain and I decided it was worth it since pigs had been seen the previous two mornings; if things got really bad there was a small turkey blind I could escape to.  I suited up in rain gear including my awesome new rain hat and gun rain guard.  Rick dropped me off at the same stand from the previous evening.
I slowly worked my way in, stopping a few times to listen if I could hear hogs, but I never did.  It was easy to get situated although I sort of felt like I was sitting in the middle of the field.  It was surprisingly easy to stay quiet, and it was really nice when I first got out there.  There was some persistent morning fog and a quietness to the air.  Even though hog hunting in the morning isn't typically very productive, I do love morning hunts. 
It rained quite a bit of the morning, and the rain was becoming heavier and more frequent as the morning went on.  Hog-wise the morning was a bust.  By the time Rick came and got me, I was ready to be out of the elements.

We fed the hog stands.  Most had good sign, with no one stand really standing out.  There were a few new ones that I hadn't seen before and a couple which must not be in use this year.

At one point I got an email from SO back home with a picture of the snow.

The few inches of predicted snow had turned into something much uglier.  I guess I should have gotten the 4-wheeler ready for plowing and re-showed SO how to use it.  To say I feel genuinely bad about this is an understatement...

Back at the lodge I had a ferocious headache.  But a sort-of nap and a sort-of lunch mostly cured that. 

After dropping off a corn trailer Rick dropped me off at Fish Snatch - this is a stand I like, and I've taken hogs off of it before.  The afternoon was cloudy with the rain having moved on.  There was some wind, but not too much.  It just felt like a good day for hogs.

The evening was quiet - almost too quiet.  At least the box blind was dry and comfortable.
At one point I used the new "Google Assistant" on my phone and asked it: Where are the pigs
It told me the Bahamas...

Smart-ass damn phone - yes there is a famous cay in the Bahamas with pigs, but I don't think I can hunt there.  Or can I???  We'll see how South Carolina does for now.

Eventually it got too dark to see.  I unloaded my gun and headed back, meeting Rick about half way to the road.  My phone had unhappily rebooted a few times - this is a bad time to have phone problems, but I was finally able to email/text back and forth with SO.  She had been able to do some shoveling, but the snow was just too much.  Thankfully one of our neighbors had a plow rigged up and was able to help.  My guess is he probably thinks I'm either a dumb-ass or a mean bastard now.  And maybe I am.

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