Friday, January 24, 2020

2020 Hog Hunt Day 7 - Home

Whether due to the late meal, the afternoon nap, or general excitement, it took a painful amount of time to fall asleep the previous evening.  Most likely the insomnia was due to all three factors and more.

But when I woke up a little before my alarm was set to go off, it was time to head home.  I took a quick shower, packed up what little stuff remained and hit the road.
I know the route well by now and had the road to myself.  It started to rain within an hour and stayed on the rainy side of at least damp for most of the day's drive.  Once again Asheville was a PIA incommensurate with how big that city is.

I finished listening to Ian Urbina's Outlaw Ocean for most of the drive.  I enjoyed parts of the book very much, but my criticism from the drive down didn't change since it remained repetitive.  Sadly, he ends the book with another section about Sea Shepherd - this whole book is about crime on the open ocean, but then he ends up playing the cheerleader for Sea Shepherd (although he claims he does not).  I don't want to say it ruined the book, but it really hurt the objectivity of it.  I guess ramming ships while vigilante outlaws play the role of global culture police is OK since the ends justify the means?  Or somebody's means?  Disappointing...  In the epilogue he gives some ideas how some of these huge issues might be solved or at least improved.  Some are thought provoking, others seem grossly simplistic, making me wonder if he read the book he wrote since most of the issues are very complex.  I wasn't sad when the book was done (and unlike some books, it has already been deleted to make room for something else).

The rain made the driving a little more difficult.  I still made good time and even ended up getting gas in the same intersection where I did on the trip down (and several other times).  As I got closer to my home turf, my speed went up a little bit.  I finished the drive listening to Hidden Brain podcasts (about death, which seemed oddly comforting).

I got home to two very happy beagles and unpacked.  I really need to get the hogs in the freezer, but I know from experience that if I do it in a hurry I'll get sloppy.  There is lots of ice in the cooler so the meat will wait one day.

The beginning of this wild hog hunt was right on the heels of going to Patagonia, which was right on the heels of Christmas, which was right on the heels of...  For at least a few weeks, I'm ready to get back into the routine of home and work.  But I know this won't last since I don't have any other adventures being planned.  I'll need to fix that soon.

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