Wednesday, January 20, 2021

2021 Hog Hunt Day 3 - Another One-Deer

 I probably over-caffeinated in the morning - which I know better than to do, but after the late (by my standards) night it was hard not to.
After dropping the kids off to school Rick and I went to feed stands.  All had been hit well including the stand I was on the previous afternoon.  But daylight is always the question.

Back at the lodge Rick and I tried to get some better pictures of my boar hog, but the shadows were all wrong so we waited and were successful a bit later in the afternoon.  The forced down time in hog camp can be hard for me but probably also good for me.  I spent time reading, watching TV and took a walk down to the river.  The day was the pick of the week weather-wise with bright sun and not too much wind.

As it got into the afternoon, Rick and I headed out for me to be dropped off for the afternoon.  Rick dropped me off at the Craw field.  The walk there was a bit longer than I remember.  It wasn't hard to find, but I did second-guess myself as to if I had missed a cut-off to take or something.
In the stand I once again had a hard time getting settled initially.  Weather was almost ideal with temperatures in the lower 60's and bright sunshine.  If anything, the sun was a pain until it went behind some trees since it made watching anything really difficult.

Not long after I was in the stand the military jets started flying somewhere nearby.  The noise from seemingly tree-top level flying can be deafening.  Thankfully they were only in the area for around 15 minutes.
Once both the sun and I did get settled it was a really nice afternoon.  One thing I like about coming down to hunt in South Carolina is the chance to get pictures of deer while I'm not hunting them.  One lone deer did come out around 4:30.  I usually use my ancient Kodak P850 because if I'm going to accidentally drop a camera from a treestand, I'd rather it not be better one.  It can be a bit hard to get clear pictures without moving from the distance, but I was able to get a few pictures that were reasonably good.

The deer stayed around and gave me something to watch for around 30 minutes before sauntering off.  I got hopeful as it got later and the shadows started to get longer.  I did hear something off to my right at one point - I have no idea what it was but think the chances it was hogs was very low.  Still, I'm kind of scratching my head about what (or who?) it could have been?
Long shadows gave way to sunset which began to turn into darkness.  I know hogs can show up very quickly, but it wasn't to happen.  It got too dark to see well and I unloaded my gun before climbing out of the ladder stand.

Back at the lodge Gary from Pennsylvania had arrived.  We all talked for a bit before turning in for the night, with myself hopeful for two more days.

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