Friday, November 18, 2011

Deer Hunting November 15 - 18

After failing to find the deer on Sunday, I decided to leave the woods alone and settle down for a couple days.  Monday was warm and very windy, with torrential rain during the overnight.  Tuesday started rainy, but then cleared for the afternoon.
I went out Tuesday afternoon.  The rain had swollen the creeks considerably and I didn't think I'd be able to get over the second creek in the dark if I went to the back of the property.  I set up a ground blind between the creeks on one of the ridges.  I didn't see anything that night.  Wednesday morning, I went back out before light and sat in the ground blind.  It rained most of the morning, but I was prepared with all my rain gear.  With all the weather, it wasn't too surprising that I didn't see anything.  I set up my climber tree stand for the afternoon on the east side of the second creek facing North.  But, I again did not see anything that night.
Thursday morning was seasonably cool and I went out again before light and sat in the same place as the previous night.  I saw one deer on the opposite ridge, but there was no shot opportunity through the brush, especially at that distance.  Thursday evening was miserable.  I had moved to a tree in a saddle about 100 yards from the back of the property.  The temperature dropped precipitously and the wind was screaming.  With the noise and movement from the wind, it was difficult to see or hear anything.  The cold made it very uncomfortable.
Friday morning was one of the coldest mornings of the fall so far with temps near 20F.  I sat from before light until around 10:00, again without seeing anything.
For five of the last six years, I've gotten a decent deer on opening morning.  The sixth, I passed on several and shot one the next day.  This year, I think I'm paying for it.  That is why it is called hunting (a cliche, I know).
The weather for the next couple days is supposed to be cool, but with high winds.  I'm going to at least take a few days off.  I've enjoyed the past week, so even if I don't go back out, I have no regrets.  What to learn?  Deer hunting is never a gimme and in the future, I need to have absolute confidence in my weapon.

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