Saturday, January 28, 2012

2012 Hog Hunt Drive Day

Got up at about 3:30 and was out the door by 4:00.  My "antique" Magellan Meridian GPS wasn't working.  I ran back inside and changed the batteries and was out the door for the second time.  Temperature was near freezing and damp as I left.  Headed south and got through Cincinnati.  I had packed the night before (Friday) instead of Thursday because I worked too late Thursday to get everything done at work before vacation.  I always seem to forget something on any trip and an hour south into Kentucky I realized I forgot a camera.  I have a decent camera on the phone; I also decided I could stop somewhere if I saw some place.
Continued south through Kentucky.  Saw a gorgeous sun rise at the Tennessee Kentucky border.  Tried (unsuccessfully) to get a picture on it.  There have been many sunrises I've seen while on the way to South Carolina, and I have never gotten a good picture.  Since I'm in driving mode, I won't let myself stop.
Headed through Tennessee and into the mountains.  Light traffic most of the time except around the cities.  Weather was almost perfect especially compared to some previous years when snow and rain were the norm.
All through Tennessee the GPS started to act up.  I was listening to the book A Short History of Nearly Everything and I envisioned aliens messing with the GPS system.  More likely, the aging GPS is on its last legs.  It got annoying after a while; after a few attempts it seemed happier after resetting the SDcard.
Stopped at a Walmart in Tuberville, SC to look at cameras.  Decided I didn't want to pay nearly $200 for a camera that I wasn't sure I would like.  I'll have the phone.  Rick, Nathan and Rachel will also have cameras and the magic of email.
Got to Waccamaw around 3:30pm.  It was perfect weather - upper 60s and not a cloud in the sky.  Talked to Rick for a little bit and he asked if I wanted to go out hunting.  Since it was early enough - I decided I should.
Rick dropped me off on an L-shape food plot.  Saw nothing until around 5:30 when five deer came out.  The first one was very small, almost hog like.  As it got dark, 3 more deer came out but no hogs.
Another guy in camp, Judd, shot at a black boar.  We trailed it for a while, but it was not recovered.

Spent a bit of time chatting.  In camp are Nathan, Rachel (Virginia) and Judd (Florida).
It was an easy drive down and a bonus day on the stand.
Good enough start...

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