Tuesday, January 31, 2012

2012 Hog Hunt Day 3

Got up to yet another cold clear early morning.  Went out to the same stand I was on the "Day 1" evening.  A few turkeys came in, but nothing else.  Not even the group of small pigs that were there the earlier night came in.  Rick came and got me and we (Nathan and Judd were out that morning as well) went back to the lodge.
We went to breakfast in Johnsonville.  Judd, Nathan and Rachel went for supplies while I fed stands with Rick and Will.  We fed all the Hemingway stands with no more hog sightings, even small ones.
Everyone met back up at the lodge and after a short break, we headed down to Georgetown.  Rick fed a few stands and I was put on the OK Corral.  The stand was a tall ladder stand the leaned forward slightly.  It was a little tougher to stay comfortable, but the temperature was near perfect.  I didn't see anything until around 5:30 when an antlerless deer came bounding through the woods behind me.  It went almost directly underneath my stand and out onto the corn pile.  This deer was followed by several more.  There were a total of at least 10 deer and almost all of them had antlers.  One was an OK 8 point and another was a very wide but spindly 6 point.  It will probably be a pretty decent deer next year.  The deer were all skittish and I was hoping hogs would push them out.  The larger deer roamed in and out of the immediate area, but there were deer on the pile until well past shooting light.  I could still hear animals on the pile after dark, but I strongly suspect they were still the deer.
After it was dark for about 45 minutes, a Suburban pulls up under the stand.  I didn't recognize it and Rick was a bit sick so I didn't hear him say my name.  After a few seconds, I figured whoever this was knew where I was so I got out of the stand.  It was Rick.  Apparently, he was feeding other stands and had hit a tree with his truck.  Back at the skinning shed, the damage didn't look too bad, but apparently the radiator had been damaged badly enough that all the coolant was gone.
Nathan had shot a smallish (50 pound) hog.  After he was finished with it, we transferred all our stuff into the Suburban and headed into Georgetown for subs.
Went back to the lodge for the end of another day.  Still a great day, but with less hogs.

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