Sunday, July 22, 2012

Michigan Ferry Wisconsin Trip Day 1

Woke up at usual time for a Friday which was too early to leave.  Made coffee and finished packing.   Turned on the TV for a bit then looked online at the weather forecasts for the trip.  There was a mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado ("President Kennedy was shot today, so it goes" - Kurt Vonnegut).  Temperatures looked to be warm with (currently) only a slight chance of rain.  After trying to read for a little while, just couldn’t stand it anymore so jumped on the ST1300 and left around 7:30.  Temperatures were in the lower 70s with hazy clouds and only a minimal amount of drizzle.  North of Interstate 70, it rained on and off lightly for quite a while and the temperature dropped.  At the last minute I had chosen to not wear the waterproof riding jacket since most of the trip was anticipated to be quite warm.  It was cold, but surprisingly not intolerable in the mesh jacket even though temperatures declined to the lower 60s.  

North of Fort Wayne, the weather improved dramatically.  It was actually a bit cooler, but there was a mix of sun and clouds and much less humidity.  Warmed by some Twinkies bought at a gas station, the rest of the trip was uneventful.

Got to Paul’s house in the early afternoon.  I had not seen him in over 10 years.  We caught up for a few minutes and then went out for some lunch.  I met his wife enough to say hi as she was working at the tieme.  Afterwards, we went to Paul’s parent’s house.  It was great to see his parent’s after so many years.  His dad is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s but still remembered lots from when we were younger.  Paul’s mom is undergoing treatment for breast cancer but looked very well and was in very good spirits.  We drove around Grand Rapids for a bit.  I was surprised how little I remembered of some areas, but that should be expected.  Stopped by the Shop (the 3rd University Motors) for a quick visit there with John as well.
It was a good day catching up after so many years. 

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