Friday, August 30, 2013

2013 NorthEast by Motorcycle Day 9

Detroit, Michigan to Home.  221.8 miles.
We were up early with Jason as he was heading out to work.  We left a few minutes behind him to head south.
Detroit rush hour traffic was beginning to build, but we were headed away from the city so it wasn't too bad.  The day was all interstate since there was really no reason to not to.  It isn't a very interesting ride, but we were close enough to home to be ready to go home.

I like having the last day on the road a short one for many reasons.  First, the last day is often done by hitting "the wall" where it feels like there is no forward momentum.  Early in the trip it is all about the ride.  On the last day, whether the trip is 4 days or 20 days, things change mentally once home becomes the destination.

We made it home in good time and with enough minutes to spare to get the dogs out of beagle-jail before they close for lunch.  They were happy to be home.  Since it is Labor Day weekend, we have a few days still to unpack and put things back in order, including mowing the bonkers long grass.

The map above shows the whole adventure, sans side trips and what a trip it has been (2855 total miles).  This was not a very long trip, either time or miles.  There weren't even any all-day 700 mile slogs.  But, this trip wasn't about the miles, it was about the states.
I've completed my goal of riding my motorcycle through all 49 states accessible by land.  We saw a bit of history at Gettysburg, a bit of beat-nick at Alice's Restaurant and a bit of morbidity at Lizzie Borden's house.  We saw wonderful scenery through awesome roads, met a few interesting people and enjoyed perfect mornings, pouring rain, the ocean, heat and humidity.

What a trip.

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