Sunday, January 15, 2017

2017 Hog Hunt Day 2

After a fantastic night of sleep, I was up early, drinking coffee and reading Fried Walleye and Cherry Pie (Peggy Wolff).  There just are not enough good books about the Midwest, and Fried Walleye is just a little too Chicago-centric.

After a sunrise showing a bright clear day - very un-Midwest-winter-like, we had a great breakfast of bacon, eggs and grits, with emphasis on the bacon.

Rick, Rob and I went out to feed stands.  Many of them had been hit well overnight, including the Hansel and Gretel line of corn.
The day warmed nicely, with little in the way of wind or clouds.


After feeding stands, we had a little bit of time at the lodge before heading out to hunt hogs.  Jessie and I went off to some muddy stands, while Rob and Cody headed out to another spot off the dirt road.

Getting settled in the stands, it was probably the warmest weather I've sat in a tree stand since bear hunting in 2014, and it was likely warmer than was even experienced then.  Low 70's and so little wind that I almost didn't dare even breathe.

It was quiet and pleasant until around 45 minutes before dark.  Then the wind picked up and started to swirl, spending too much time blowing from behind me toward the corn pile.
There was one shot that I thought was from Jessie, but it was from somewhere beyond her.
While pleasant, it was also too quiet.  No hogs, no deer, almost no movement of any kind.  The most interesting mammal seen was a bat.
Nobody saw anything which meant heading back to the lodge for oven spaghetti and more BSing before turning in for the night.

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