Monday, July 12, 2021

50/80/50 Trip Day 7 - Twin Peaks

No miles on the bike.
I did give the bike a good once over and everything looks as good as can be for the trip home.  I also made hotel reservations for the first night on the road home so things are moving in that direction
But first, today was hiking day.

We all met at the Condo and bought tickets for the lift to take us up to the Red Pine Lodge.  

From there we started hiking up.  It was still early so temperatures were not too bad, but the elevation change was not insignificant.  Our group got smaller as we hiked up until we reached a rocky ridgeline stretch.  On some parts of this it was almost like walking on a knife edge with not many good places to put feet - other than one carefully after another.

The end of this main part of the hike was a bit anticlimactic as we ended up near a road and another ski lift (which was not running).  So the point was the hike, not the destination.  By this time it was just me, my older sister and her kids.  We had a lunch of some snacks before my nephew and I kept going while the other two started back down.  We continued up to the peak above the ski lift - which was not far by distance, but was so by vertical.  The view did not disappoint.

We were not ready to go back, so we continued down the ridge to the next peak.  From there we could see another ski lift we could hike to so we headed in that direction.  While headed in that direction, we saw a quiet lake tucked in a valley.  It was almost too serene.

We continued on, grabbing another peak in the hike, until it looked like the trail we were on was headed in the wrong direction, so we bushwhacked off trail in what we thought was a better direction.  This was a mistake.  Not only did we eventually see the trail we were on would have ended in a good place, but our route also put us almost straight down in some places.  By the time we got to a more reasonable trail, my leg muscles were burning.  It was still worth it.

We took the lift back down into Park City and rested at the condo for a bit before heading to eat at a local restaurant.  It was good, but not great.  It was still fun though.

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