Sunday, January 16, 2022

2022 Hog Hunt Day 2 - A Wet Start

The four Philadelphia guys left around 2:00.  They sort of woke me up, but I was only sort of sleeping anyways since it felt like every time I moved I was Godzilla shaking Tokyo.  Once they were out, I felt a little better, but still couldn't sleep.  I got up a little later to pounding wind and rain.  I could only hope this was going to be over before afternoon pig time.

Most of my stuff was still in my truck, so it was lodge coffee and a lone granola bar.  I poked around online and read for a while.  For unknown reasons, I was feeling very anxious.  I watched a few episodes of Seinfeld followed by some of The Office.  
At some point Lisa came to clean the lodge.  I had taken advantage of a very brief window with less rain to get my stuff out of the truck, so it was a bit in the way.  So was I.  She was very thorough with the Lysol to the point that I wasn't so fond of the smell.  These are indeed strange times.

Two O'clock rolled around and it was time to head out to hunt.  I asked Rick where I was going and he originally told me a tripod, but switched to a ground blind as the wind switched in a very short amount of time.  I had been cold most of the day so I wore tons of clothes - possibly too much.  I was in a stand I had never been in before (I don't remember the name).
As I was getting situated, I saw three deer on the corn pile.  They were acting very nervous and only stuck around for five of the first 15 minutes.  But the good thing was that the rain had stopped.  It was still very drippy, but the heavy rain would have made things worse.
I tried to get a quick picture of the deer and the camera on my phone decided to try to be an impressionist painter.  While it looks kind of neat, I hope it isn't a sign the camera is dying.

The afternoon passed quickly despite not very much in the way of animals.  There was some really noisy people a few hundred yards away, but it was only really annoying for a few minutes, as well as for a bit while I waited to get picked up.  Late afternoon in the blind was actually quick pleasant with just a hint of sun.  There was some wind, but deep in the trees it was minimal.
Darkness came and I slipped out as quietly as I could.  I had to walk down the road a bit to be picked up.  At one point a truck very similar to Rick's drove by and I almost walked out to it.  I'm glad I didn't - that could have been embarrassing.

Back in camp Denis and Claude were there.  We all ate dinner and talked as best we could in English (although I did my best to at least use a few words).  I went to bed hoping for a bit of much needed sleep.

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