Sunday, May 22, 2022

The Start of Something Big Day 4 - Home

Madison, Wi to Home:  476.9 miles

After waking up to cats all over me I had one too many cups of coffee before saying goodbye to Sis and her SO.  It's always great to see them and I was glad they could make the time.  With the oil and tires checked, I headed out of Madison on nearly-empty Sunday-morning roads.

As I left I found my mind wandering back to the issues at work and home, and I realized looking back 40-50 years can be like peering into a box of broken toys.  Stuck in the netherland of work-eat-seep-repeat for too long is soul-crushing.  I miss boundless curiosity for curiosity's sake.  I would like to explore all the possibilities of where the Mississippi River starts, and decide for myself.  I would like to follow my stick down the Mississippi River and watch it enter the Gulf of Mexico.  I'd like to create my own runestone.  But I'll have to settle for exploring the cultural starting point of the Mississippi River - which is still a great thing to be able to do.  I'm very fortunate to have been able to do this.

I motored south to Bloomington then headed east towards home.  Temperatures were cool, but not cold and it was easy to stay comfortable.  This can sometimes be no small feat after four long days on the bike.
Sometimes the ride from Sis's house to home goes by fast, on this day there were spurts where it felt like I wasn't getting anywhere.  I let my mind wander as I rolled along.  A north wind at times gave me chills, but it is better than an east wind - nothing good has ever come from an east wind.

Back at home Tibbit was really happy to see me and quite curious about all the smells.  I contemplated going to to work on Monday, which would have meant mowing the lawn after getting home.  That just felt like too much.  So a quick wash of the bike was in order allowing me another day to own my own time.

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