Tuesday, September 26, 2023

2023 SC Deer Hunt Day 3 - Banana Spider II

Dale and Kevin were up and headed out at the same time I got up.  The rest of us went out to hunt for the morning.  
I was dropped off at Nelson Green's farm.  I'm pretty sure I hunted this stand for hogs in the past.  Daylight came slowly on another warm and very humid morning.  Not too long after it started to get light, 2 does came out.  They didn't go into the corn pile, but for anyone who loves to hunt mornings even a little bit as much as I do, this is picture is probably full of feels.

But I wasn't going to shoot a doe early.  So I waited, and much later in the morning four does came out into the corn.  They stayed bunched up so I wasn't able to shoot.  A bigger issue was my head - I was developing a full-on migraine headache.  It really sucked.  When the deer left they walked diagonally toward me.  I should have shot one of them, but it was still early.  Had I felt better, I may have done it anyway.

Around 9:30 Rick came to get me.  Rather than feed stands I headed back to the lodge to rest, hoping that would help my head.  Thankfully an hour of pseudo-sleep did help quite a bit.  I had some leftover food and felt even better.  By late morning, I was almost back to normal.  I was bummed that I couldn't go with Rick since he was baiting his bear site.  But not going was the right thing to do.

Will from Georgia showed up as the only other hunter in camp for day.  We talked a bit before I dozed a bit more.  I was a bit worried that with all the sleep, I may not be able to sleep at night.

Around 3:00 we headed out.  Rick dropped Will off and then gave me instructions on how to get back to my box blind.  I made my way back to it and easily got into it.  It was a huge box blind so there was lots of room for my crap.  With my cushion, it was really comfortable.  Much like the previous evening, I had a big banana spider to keep me company.

It is a good thing it was comfortable and I had company because just about nothing was moving.  Very late in the afternoon one doe went running left to right immediately in front of me.  
Late evening either tree frogs or cicadas started to get REALLY loud in unison.  It was almost eerie how quickly they started and how coordinated the sound was.
Just as it was getting dark, a single doe came out onto the corn pile.  Clouds had been rolling in thick all evening.  It started to sprinkle on and off.  Darkness came very early.  
I quietly made my way out of the stand and back to the meeting point.  I kept going since Rick wasn't there and ran into Will - at first I thought he was some guy walking his dog and he scared me a little bit.

Rick came a few minutes later and we headed back to camp for taco pie.  Will hadn't seen anything so it was a slow night all around.  

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