Saturday, January 13, 2018

2018 Hog Hunt Day 1

I woke up early and forced myself to go back to sleep for at least a little while.  Then watched TV until it was time to get ready and head downstairs for gratis breakfast.

The rest of the hotel must have been on the late shift as I had the breakfast area nearly to myself for a couple of waffles saturated in syrup.  They were excellent.
After breakfast, I packed up my stuff but waited until it got a little light before hitting the road.  It felt a little odd leaving so late.
For a short time after hitting the road, the sunrise with the residual storm clouds made for a very dramatic scene.  I was unable to find my camera at the right time to try to grab a picture.

The rest of the drive south and east went easily enough.  I finished listening to The Lost City of the Monkey God - the end of the book talked about some of the controversy about using LIDAR for archaeological exploration.  The elite of any profession are sanctimoniously right.  Always!
It also talked about the author's affliction with leishmaniasis - a tropical flesh-eating parasite.

The book ended almost perfectly timed as I got to camp.  I unpacked and read for a bit before Rick came back.  The two other hunters in camp, Bob and Jesse, were from Virginia.  Since I was there early enough, I decided to go out hunting for the afternoon as well.

I sat on the same stand where I killed my hog the previous year.  I had three deer come out fairly shortly after I got onto the stand.  The spike buck, doe and very small yearling stayed around for most of the evening.  I even played around with the scope and camera on my phone to capture a couple pictures.  This was pretty hard to do with my phone since the image on the screen doesn't center on the same place as the actual camera - so yes, I do realize it would have been a gut shot.

The only issue I had during the evening was it was cold.  It felt much colder than it should have given the temperature in the low 40's.  I may have to dress warmer for the rest of the week as it is supposed to be colder - although with less wind.
All too soon it was getting dark.  Bob had shot a very fat (and 3x pregnant) sow, even though he had sat on the wrong stand.  Jesse saw only deer.

If I hadn't left early because of the storm, I wouldn't have hunted, so I just consider this a bonus even if I didn't see any hogs.

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